
Monday, October 10, 2011

Welcome to Wallstock

**IF you haven't read my earlier posts about "Occupy Wall Street"  I suggest you do just so you can catch up on the points I've been trying to make.** 

     I can just imagine Janis Joplin staring down (or up) at Wall Street now.  She must be so proud.  To know that 40 years after the epitome of human waste had it's famous gathering, another generation has decided to try and capture the moment must warm her from inside out (unless she's looking up, then she was already there).  If you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm referring to the "Occupy Wall Street" movement and Wood Stock.
     With reports of mass drug use, lack of bathing, begging for food, and promiscious sex in the public, I can find no better historical occurence to compare these people to other than WoodStock.  The sad fact is that at least Wood Stock had some redeeming qualities, i.e. the music.  Though, I could be wrong. The "Occupiers" in some cities have been chanting and performing rituals which one can only guess is to bring back Jimi from the grave. 
     But let's be serious.  This is this generation's Wood Stock.  Wood Stock was a mass of people who were many times, losers.  They were your highschool-college kids who were against the world and the status quo.  They were hedonistic and egotistical twerps who were just trying to fight against the rules of their parents and the "Man".  Most were still living with their parents.  They were proned to Mob violence and destructive of property.  They were the bane of the police.  Please stop me when I say something that doesn't relate to the Occupiers.

     Now I can imagine that I will get someone saying, "But look!  There are old people there too!"  Does that surprise you?  Ever heard of Reliving your Youth?  Please, if there were anything different from these people and the people of Wood Stock it's that now they communicate via Facebook and Twitter rather than dial phones.  When it comes to the Mob issues, this is the more dangerous part. 

     I have a simple solution though.  Let them ride it out on their own.  If the culture of the 60's proved nothing to us, it's that hedonistic, anti-idological, egotistical teenagers and their gramps don't last long in a disease infested stink-hole.  These aren't martyrs, their kids who have just recently crept from their basements and decided they wanted to stir up trouble.  The fact is the greatest issue this crowd is truly concerened with is when the next sucker sends them food, or when the dealer comes back around with some fresh joints. 

     If anything can be said in how the technology is influencing them, the point can be made that it has made them more pathetic than the people at Wood Stock.  These Occupiers are only doing as their social media is telling them, they are completely reliant on technology to a point that the Wood Stock folks weren't.  Many had been Anti-technology. 

     So in conclusion, Welcome to Wall Stock.  The place where nerdy-wannabe-martyrs come to boast that they're fighting the "1%".  Congratulations.  When you find some decent music I might actually stop by.

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