
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Islamists Storm Tunisian University

     I know.  It's Shocking right?  I mean to think that a country in the Middle East has these things happening is just so out character.  But seriously, does this surprise anyone?  They had the same issues in Afghanistan after they got rid of the Russians.  The Mob mentality doesn't all of a sudden dissipate because the "Authoritarians" are gone.  In Afghanistan, it never did. 

     However, this should be a surprise.  The Arab Spring was not born out of a simple love for Democracy.  As I wrote in an older essay, which I'll post in the DINO records soon, we aren't talking about Revolutions in the line of the American Revolution.  Take Egypt for example.  Their entire fight was of the Mob, there were no Individual figure heads of the protests.  There was a simple ideology that we need to get rid of this government.  Now, their two biggest political parties are the Socialists and the Muslim Brotherhood.  Lovely, no?

     Now we have violent Islamists (as if there are any other kind) going after Universities.  A school has the right to give a dress code and if people aren't going to adhere to it, then they DON'T go.  College Education isn't a right.  Wearing a Full-Face veil, which symbolizes submition of woman, should not be allowed in a School.  It's an attack against education.  It is a slap in the face to those woman who have fought for their sex to be represented as equal to men academically.  The Niqab might as well have written on it "the male beside me is better". 

     However, the worse part is the reaction of these people.  Weren't they supposed to be peaceful?  Weren't they the Valiant warriors for Democracy who fought against the Tyranny of a Leader who'd become Dictator?  But of course not.  They aren't peaceful.  They aren't valiant.  They are extremists.  They are biggots.  And they are anti-republican, anti-democratic, anti-freedom, and most likely anti-West.  We need to realize this.  We need to recognize the difference between those who follow the Rights of the Individual, and those who simply want to empower the Mob.  And Islam has far too often shown itself to be a follower of the latter.

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